
Indian Rich Spices

      India is a land of diverse cultures and traditions, but one thing for which India is known in the entire world is its spices and zings. Indian spices are known in the entire world for their unique taste and aroma. Food without spices is odorless, colorless, and tasteless; spices add life to food. Given the importance of spice in human being’s food habit, it has a deep historical root with almost all the major cultures of the world, particularly the Indian culture.
      Indian food and its taste is famous all over the world; the delicious aroma, great taste, unique color and finger-licking flavor. All these together make a perfect blend and are found in Indian foods only. The secret of the delicious flavor of Indian food is its rich spices that are used for thousands of years and spreading all over the world. At present time, India is one of the largest exporters of spice all over the globe. The environment of India is perfect; heavy humidity, high rainfall, dry and hot weather favors the conditions for growth of different spices.

Turmeric powder
Dried red chilies
Red Chiles
Coriander seeds
Mustard Seeds
Cinnamon Sticks
Cumin seeds
Cumin Seeds